Halo Top

Halo Top is our go to frozen treat for Aiyla. I personally am more of a scone or cookie kind of girl, but this stuff is pretty darn good. Our favorite flavor is the Peanut Butter Cup. Each flavor has different carb content, but for comparisons sake, the Peanut Butter Cup has 12 grams of carbs in a 1/2 cup serving along with 6 grams of protein. It is harder than regular ice cream, but if you leave it out for about 5 minutes before you try to eat it, it's perfect. We like the consistency of this a lot better than Arctic Zero. What I often do is wash out the mini Hagen Daz 3 oz cups and measure out 70g of Halo Top to fill in there. Then when we go out to eat ice cream with family, I can grab one of those for Aiyla and she feels super special for getting her own little container. It doesn't spike her blood sugars, and because of the harder consistency it takes her a little bit longer to get through it than it would regular ice cream. They have Halo Top Pop’s rolling out to retailers starting in May, and I’m super excited that they have a scoop shop not too far from us that we are going to visit asap!

Saira Gallo